Friday, April 29, 2016

Indiana Governor Bans Boys from Wearing Clothes with ‘Gay’ Colors

Indiana Governor Bans Boys from Wearing Clothes with ‘Gay’ Colors
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed an executive order Wednesday that bans what he called “gay colors” to be worn by boys in public elementary and secondary schools in the state.
Pence referred to pink, chartreuse, teal and magenta, in particular, as “gateway colors” for young boys who might have an inclination toward homosexuality.
“Governor Pence believes that if boys wear clothes with colors traditionally worn by young girls, this can cause gender confusion for the boy,” said Hugh Strait, a spokesman for the governor.
Pence’s announcement comes as the state prepares for Tuesday’s presidential primary.
The executive order comes as other states have passed laws that critics say discriminate against gays and LGBTs.
In recent weeks, North Carolina passed a law that says that LGBTs must use public restrooms that conform to the gender on their birth certificates. Mississippi passed a law protecting business owners who don’t want to serve same-sex couples.
The Tennessee Legislature approved a bill that allows counselors and therapists to reject gay patients if their homosexuality runs contrary to their religious beliefs. The state’s governor has not yet signed the measure.
Pence’s spokesman said that the governor wanted to remind Hoosiers that he was supporting discriminatory laws long before other states.
“The governor wants to emphasize to people in his state and to the rest of the country his commitment to intolerance, whenever and wherever it exists,” Strait said.
A year ago, Pence signed the so-called “religious freedom“ law that allows business owners to refuse to serve customers such as gays who offend their religious beliefs.
The law was criticized throughout the 21st century.
Pence’s executive order bans boys from wearing clothing with bright colors in public elementary and secondary schools because of a concern, he said, they act as “gateway colors.”
“There are boy colors and there are girl colors,” Pence said, “Once we started letting boys wear girl colors, what’s next? I don’t want to think about it.”
The governor’s spokesman was asked who would decide what is or is not a “gay” color.
“The governor knows a ‘gay color’ when he sees it,” Strait said.
The executive order comes several months after political conservatives criticized Frito-Lay for offering rainbow-colored Doritos — in green, blue, purple, red, and orange — to benefit a non-profit LGBT group, It Gets Better.
In late September, Mike Huckabee, then a Republican presidential candidate, called on Frito Lay to quit offering the “gay” snack food. In addition, another conservative commentator called Doritos a “gateway snack“ designed to introduce children to homosexuality.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Intense Body Cam Shows How a Cop Can Stop a Knife-Wielding Maniac WITHOUT Killing Him

Intense Body Cam Shows How a Cop Can Stop a Knife-Wielding Maniac WITHOUT Killing Him

Glendale, OH shoot YouTube
(The Free Thought Project) Glendale, OH — A Glendale cop just showed the world that cops in America can actually stop a person armed with a knife — without killing them.
In video after video after video, we see police needlessly escalate situations to deadly force prior to attempting any heroic action, or even less lethal action, or simply backing up when confronted with people holding knives.
Mentally ill individuals have a 1,600% higher chance of being killed by police than anyone else, regardless of race. All too often, we see good people, who are in need of medical help – gunned down by officers because they ‘fear for their lives’ due to a complete lack of training in dealing with the mentally ill.
When the extremely rare case of police officers stopping an armed assailant without killing them is captured on video, the world needs to know. While celebrating the officer(s) who stopped the man without killing him is important – what’s more important is showing other officers and their apologists that it’s possible to solve these problems without deadly force.
On March 29, Officer Josh Hilling faced down with a man apparently at the end of his rope with nothing to lose. He was now attempting suicide by cop.
“Kill Me! Mill Me!” Aleman said dozens of times as he came at Hilling after refusing to be patted down for walking along the interstate. In Aleman’s hand was a huge Bowie knife.
At this point, every cop in the United States would have been entirely justified in filling Aleman with holes. However, Hilling didn’t react like every other cop would — he respected the preservation of life.
A single non-lethal shot was fired, and Hilling took a defensive stance instead of an offensive one. Instead of automatically killing Aleman, who was a significantly lower threat now with a bullet hole in his abdomen, Hilling merely backed up and tried to calm him down.
Eventually, as his backup arrived, those cops didn’t shoot either, and no one was killed.
Glendale, Ohio’s police chief Dave Warman explained that firing once was against their training practices.
“Quite honestly we are trained to tic-tac shoot twice,” Warman said. “We’re backing up, and he’s trying to strike with a knife and was able to get one shot in and that was enough to subdue the guy and wait for help to come.”
However, the fact that Hilling only shot once which led to the non-lethal resolution has sparked an interest from other departments on how and why he did so.
Contrary to popular belief, a real hero is someone who preserves life through acting courageously — not someone who unloads their weapons every time they encounter non-threatening inanimate objects like screwdrivers, and ink pens, or even a spoon!
Hilling’s single act of courage has sent ripples through the police community and now it will serve to teach officers how killing is not always necessary.
“I’ve been called by training academies across the country, and they already saw the tape today, and they’re requesting a copy to train new officers,” said Warman. “And hopefully, that could make a difference to some of these young kids coming out.”

Inside The Secret World Of Men Who Wear Chastity Devices

Inside The Secret World Of Men Who Wear Chastity Devices

men underwear

Today, some people, especially those involved in kink or BDSM communities, wear chastity devices often as part of role playing, dom/sub relationships or to highlight or intensify masochistic practices, among other reasons.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

WhatsApp Made It Impossible To Hand Your Messages Over To Police

WhatsApp Just Made It Impossible To Hand Your Messages Over To Police

Which do you value more — privacy or security? Read more.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Father accused of killing gay son is also suspected of stabbing wife to death, LAPD says

Father accused of killing gay son is also suspected of stabbing wife to death, LAPD says

Los Angeles Times | April 5, 2016 | 3:17 PM
Los Angeles police believe that a 69-year-old North Hills man fatally shot his gay son last week in an effort to cover up the killing of his wife sometime the previous day, an LAPD detective said today.
Det. John Doerbecker, who is supervising the investigation, said Shehada Issa's anger over his son’s sexuality was a contributing factor but not the underlying cause of the killing.

Mississippi Governor Signs Law Permitting LGBT Discrimination

Mississippi Governor Signs Law Permitting LGBT Discrimination

mississippi lgbt

The far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.

Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard

Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard

planting peace

A new message on a giant electronic billboard went online today in Jackson, Mississippi, and it’s taking aim at religious bigotry with a tongue-in-cheek response to the state’s new horrific anti-queer legislation.

Monday, April 4, 2016

CA, NY Enact $15 Minimum Wage

CA, NY Enact $15 Minimum Wage

The Democratic governors of New York and California signed into law Monday bills raising the minimum wage in their states to $15 per hour. Under Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan, California’s hourly minimum wage would increase to $10.50 from $10 in 2017, then by an additional $1 annually until 2022. Meanwhile, in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s signature will get workers in New York City to $15 per hour by the end of 2018, with the exception of businesses with 10 or fewer employees, which will have about four years to implement the increase. Long Island and Westchester County won’t have to reach the $15 figure for as much as six years. Areas north of Westchester are only required to hit $12.50 by 2021.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Huge leak reveals elite's tax havens

Huge leak reveals elite's tax havens

Huge leak of files from Panama law firm Mossack Fonseca reveal how the world's wealthy hide their money
For more details, see the BBC News website

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Federal Judge Strikes Down Florida Gay Marriage Ban; Chides Florida Officials

Federal Judge Strikes Down Florida Gay Marriage Ban; Chides Florida Officials
  • By Carlos Santoscoy
A federal judge on Thursday declared Florida's gay marriage ban unconstitutional.
U.S. District Court Judge Robert L. Hinkle chided state officials in granting summary judgment in a lawsuit challenging the state's ban.
Florida lawyers argued that the case was moot given the Supreme Court's June 2015 finding in Obergefell that gay and lesbian couples have a constitutional right to marry. Hinkle denied their request to dismiss as moot, saying that state officials had not “unambiguously terminated” their enforcement of the ban.
“The state defendants defended this case from the outset with vigor,” Hinkle wrote. “They gave no sway to the United States Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Windsor … When 18 successive federal decisions in district and circuit courts said that, under Windsor, states could not ban same-sex marriage, the defendants were undeterred.”
“After the United Sates Supreme Court issued Obergefell, one might have expected immediate, unequivocal acceptance.”
Hinkle blasted state officials who continued to drag their feet and lawmakers who have yet to repeal the ban.
“The Surgeon General's approach casts doubt on whether the State of Florida has voluntarily brought itself into compliance with Obergefell,” Hinkle wrote. “Indeed, Obergefell did not explicitly address any Florida statute. If the Surgeon General believes, as suggested by his motion to clarify, that he must comply with Florida same-sex marriage laws until explicitly struck down, then dismissal of this case as moot would leave him free to go back to where he was before the lawsuit was filed. The same is true for the Secretary of Management Services; there are many requirements affecting state employment that turn on marital status, and many of those have not been explicitly addressed, either in Obergefell or even in this case.”
“That the Legislature chose not to pass legislation to bring Florida law into compliance does not help the defendants. Like the only circuit court that has addressed the voluntary-cessation issue since Obergefell, I deny the motion to dismiss this case as moot,” he added.
Daniel Tilley, staff attorney for the ACLU of Florida, cheered the ruling.
“Today’s decision decisively affirms the right of same-sex couples to equal treatment under the law,” Tilley said in a statement. “This is a great decision that will strengthen Florida’s families. Judge Hinkle painstakingly described how Florida has resisted compliance with the Constitution’s mandate of equal treatment every step of the way. He also noted that our Florida legislature cannot escape the mandates of the constitution simply by leaving unconstitutional laws on the books.”

Friday, April 1, 2016

Gay College Basketball Player Says Being Raped Changed Him. Now He's Coming Out And Taking Control Of His Story

Gay College Basketball Player Says Being Raped Changed Him. Now He's Coming Out And Taking Control Of His Story. Nathan Fort was just beginning to open up about who he really is when, without warning, his path towards self-acceptance was split open by a cruel chasm. But his strength and determination proved to be stronger forces than he could have imagined. Growing up gay in rural Arkansas is never ideal, but those were the cards Nathan was... more