Saturday, October 8, 2016

CCR files new lawsuit challenging sodomy statute in Mississippi

Thirteen years after the U.S. Supreme Court declared sodomy laws unconstitutional, Mississippi is still requiring people convicted under its sodomy statute to register as sex offenders. You may recall that CCR successfully challenged Louisiana’s requirement that people convicted under that state’s archaic “Crime Against Nature by Solicitation” (CANS) law register as sex offenders. As a result of CCR’s lawsuits, hundreds of people convicted of CANS were removed from the Louisiana sex offender registry.
But some of those people moved to Mississippi—and were required to register as sex offenders there!
Mississippi requires anyone convicted, in any state, under a statute that it deems to be an equivalent to its sodomy law to register as a sex offender, even if those individuals are not required to register under the law of the state in which they were convicted.
Yesterday, CCR filed a lawsuit challenging Mississippi’s sodomy statute and its ongoing use to force people to register as sex offenders.
Like Louisiana’s, Mississippi’s registration requirement imposes harsh burdens that make it difficult, and often impossible, to find jobs, housing, and substance abuse treatment. As in Louisiana, Mississippi prosecutors have discretion as to whether they charge someone under a statute that requires registration. And, as with Louisiana’s “Crime Against Nature” law, Mississippi’s sodomy statute rests upon an archaic, discriminatory and unconstitutional prohibition of “unnatural” sex.
This case is an example of CCR’s dogged pursuit of justice, following injustice across state lines to ensure that, when a wrong is put right in one place, it is not allowed to rear its ugly head unchallenged elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Mississippi is enforcing Sharia law!
    Mississippi enforces ISIS laws and practices!
    Mississippi does not endorse and enforce the United States Constitution!

    Mississippi lawmakers are traitors to the American values and norms, as written down in the American Constitution, and these Mississippi lawmakers must be treated as what they are: religious fanatic terrorists and traitors of he American Constitution!

    No American is allowed to be subjected to unconstitutional laws created by terrorist states as long as that state is part of the United States of America, and every American convicted on the basis of an unconstitutional law must be rehabilitated, were not state is to be allowed to enforce laws that have been declared and ruled unconstitutional!

    States, like Mississippi with the practice of enforcing unconstitutional laws must be forced to abandon such laws, and rehabilitate the victims of such unconstitutional laws!

    Unconstitutional laws enforced, endorsed and implemented by states like Mississippi must be revoked immediately and without delay, so that the victims of such laws can be given their honorable place and position they deserve!
