Sunday, November 22, 2015

Accountabillity and Responsibility......

Those who hold Muslims in general responsible for the terrorist acts in Paris, France, and all other acts that constitute terrorism should be aware that holding a group responsible and accountable for the acts by a few of that group will backfire!

Because when holding a group responsible and accountable for the acts of a few, your own group will be held and accountable for the acts of a few of your own group!

Those who think it fitting to hold all Muslims accountable and responsible for the acts of terrorism by the ones who committed the atrocious acts in Paris, France, will be held accountable and responsible for the acts of terrorism by the few of their own group!

What about the atrocities committed in the name of the Christian faith in Africa?

What about the acts of discrimination by Christians against for instance the homosexuals in America and elsewhere?

What about the acts of violence in the name of the Christian faith committed against the Mores in Spain, the acts of oppression in the name of the Jewish faith by the state of Israel against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in the Middle East?

What about the Christian Crusades in the Middle Ages against the Muslims then?

Should we hold the people in 2015 responsible and accountable for the crimes that were and are committed for the ones who committed then?

Yes, IF we hold all Muslims accountable and responsible for the terrorist acts committed by the individuals who committed the crimes in Paris, France!

When and if we will hold all of a group responsible and accountable for the acts by some then we should expect to be held accountable and responsible as a group for our own acts, now and in the past!

Backfiring it will, and the consequences will hit us all, none excluded and everyone who feels privileged enough to judge others!

Do we hold parents of mass-murderers accountable and responsible for the acts of their children?
Some do, like the state of Israel does when a self-bomber detonates a bomb in the middle of a market-place, the state of Israel demolishes the houses of the family of the suicide-bomber.....
Do we accept that as being justice?
Yes, we do obviously, as we do nothing against the retaliation by the state of Israel against innocent parents an family-members of a suicide-bomber!

Do we hold the family of a mass-murderer accountable and responsible when he or she kills innocent people in a movie-theater or at a university?
Some do, most do not, as we know that when someone commits a crime only he or she is accountable and responsible, and we do not go round and demolish the houses of their family-members, because we are enlightened, and because we know that is NOT justice!

Then why do we when a bunch of retards kill people as in Paris, France, go around and hold every member of the faith they claim to be representing accountable an responsible?

Why do we suddenly when a couple of idiots commit heinous crimes allow our lawmakers and representatives to hold all members of that same faith accountable and responsible?

Why do we regard every member of that same faith suspect of doing the same heinous crimes?

We are supposed to be enlightened, and aware of the fact that everyone is responsible for ones own acts individually, and not collectively.......

Why do we start acting like the ones we fight?
Why do start becoming equal to those who committed the heinous crimes?
Why do we allow ourselves to be lowered to the same level of those who do not accept difference in ways of living, in the way we want to live our lives, in the way we want to enjoy our liberties, our freedoms, our existence?

Are we any better when we start treating people like some of them treat us?
Not were I am concerned when we start treating all Muslims like the murderers and killers who claim to be Muslims but in fact are not representing Islam!

It will backfire..... and when we treat all Muslims as criminals and mass-murderers we deserve no better!

My opinion!

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