Gay Bar Staff Thought Paris Terror Fugitive Was a 'Rent Boy'
"We had him down as a rent boy, he was always hanging out with that kind of crowd," Julien, the bartender of a club Abdeslam visited last month, told the newspaper. The owners of the club, who remain anonymous, said they recognized Abdeslam's photo when it was released after the Paris attacks, where at least 130 people were killed and hundreds more were injured, and they immediately contacted the authorities.
The report also claims others said he was known for playing PlayStation and enjoyed smoking hashish.
More than 2,000 officials are searching for Abdeslam, who was the driver for the Paris attackers. The Daily Mail reports he's recently been Skyping friends.
French police said Abdeslam is highly dangerous and authorities identified him as the renter of a Volkswagen Polo that carried hostage-takers to the Paris attacks, according to the Associated Press.
It should be noted there have been several reports of ISIS executing men believed to be gay by throwing them off the roofs of buildings or stoning them to death.
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