Saturday, August 27, 2016

Donald Trump’s $100,000 “donation” to Louisiana flood victims went to a local anti-gay hate group [A MUST-READ for everyone interested in CORRUPTION]

Donald Trump’s $100,000 “donation” to Louisiana flood victims went to a local anti-gay hate group

It turns out Donald Trump’s attempt at using the Louisiana flooding as a campaign photo op is getting worse for him by the minute. The original optics were bad enough when he showed up and spent less than a minute unloading some Play-Doh from a truck before leaving. Then local authorities disputed his claim that the Play-Doh truck was even donated by him. And after he claimed that he had made a $100,000 donation but reporters couldn’t track it down, he’s now admitting the donation went to a local anti-gay hate group.
Trump’s six figure “donation” actually went to a group called the Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, which is a local front for ‘interim pastor” Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council – a notorious anti LGBT entity disguised as a family values group and now disguised as a church. Perkins lost his home in the flood, a story which garnered significant headlines for its irony after so many anti-gay “pastors” had previously claimed that Hurricane Katrina had hit Louisiana as part of God’s wrath against gay people.
Now it appears Donald Trump may simply have been giving the $100,000 to the Tony Perkins-fronted group so that he could rebuild his own home. That’s all well and good, except that Perkins is a wealthy man in addition to being a hateful bigot, and could easily have his house rebuilt himself. In fact his Council is regularly on the receiving end of massive contributions from corrupt conservative billionaires.
So to recap: not only did Donald Trump hand out Play-Doh to working class people in desperate need of food and water and money to rebuild their own modest homes, it turns out he didn’t even donate the Play-Doh he was handing out, and then he gave a six figure donation to a wealthy local hate monger. It’s increasingly beginning to look like Trump would have fared better if he’d taken the Louisiana Governor’s advice and just stayed away.

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